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  • cherish

    英:[ˈtʃerɪʃ] 美: [ˈtʃɛrɪʃ] 

    cherish 基本解释

    及物动词珍爱; 爱护; 怀有; 抚育


    cherish 相关例句


    1. They cherished the child as one of their own.

    2. She cherished the hope that he would come back to her some day.

    3. We never cherish any unrealistic fancies about those desperate criminals.

    cherish 网络释义

    1. 珍惜:在<<珍惜>>(Cherish)这首音乐录影带中,麦当娜身穿黑色连衣裙全身湿透趴在沙滩上. 1991年戛纳国际电影节上,麦当娜穿着纯白丝质胸衣与束裤出席<<与麦当娜同床>>(Truth or Dare)的首映. 这件依然是由让-保罗-戈尔蒂埃设计的,

    2. 真爱:这类影片的代表是<<真爱>>(Cherish),讲述一个患有爱情狂想症的女杀人犯,经过一番磨难,最终找到真爱的故事. 而<<性、谎言和录像带>>中的美女安迪.麦克道威尔(Andie MacDowell)则大胆挑战禁忌,饰演生活放浪却又自怜自艾的英国女教育家,

    3. 珍愛天女合唱團:这星期全美专辑榜前十名充满了新进榜的专辑,R&B创作歌手莱夫.詹宁斯(Lyfe Jennings)的新专辑<>以及乡村歌手崔斯艾金斯(Trace Adkins)的新作<>分获二、三名,第四名R&B四人组珍爱天女合唱团(Cherish)的<<忘情弃爱(U

    cherish 词典解释

    1. 怀有,抱有(希望);怀念(过去)
        If you cherish something such as a hope or a pleasant memory, you keep it in your mind for a long period of time.

        e.g. The president will cherish the memory of this visit to Ohio...
        e.g. It was a wonderful occasion which we will cherish for many years to come.

    ...the cherished dream of a world without wars.

    2. 珍爱;珍惜;疼爱
        If you cherish someone or something, you take good care of them because you love them.

        e.g. He genuinely loved and cherished her...
        e.g. The previous owners had cherished the house.

    He described the picture as his most cherished possession.

    3. 珍视,维护,捍卫(权利、特权或原则)
        If you cherish a right, a privilege, or a principle, you regard it as important and try hard to keep it.

        e.g. These people cherish their independence and sovereignty.

    Freud called into question some deeply cherished beliefs.

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