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  • chat

    英:[tʃæt] 美: [tʃæt] 

    chat 基本解释


    chat 相关例句


    1. They chatted about the film shown last night.


    1. chat是什么意思

    1. They dropped in for a chat last night.

    2. The two friends sat in a corner and chatted away about the price of stocks and shares.

    3. He often asked Philip to come in for a chat.

    chat 情景对话

    Chatting online-(网络聊天)

    A:Do you chat online often?

    B:No. do you ?


    A:All the time. we actually use it at work. Out boss thinks it’s a better idea to chat online than to talk on the phones.

    B:I guess that makes the office a quieter place to work.



    B:Do you ever chat with strangers?

    A:Sure. I usually go to some chat rooms in the evening.

    B:Is it strange talking to strangers?

    A:At first it was, but now I enjoy it. They don’t know me, so I can say whatever I want.

    B:Is it dangerous?

    A:What do you mean?


    B:Could they find out where you live or work?

    A:Only if you tell them.

    B:Do you ever use your real name?

    A:Oh, no. I use username.


    B:What is it?

    A:China girl.


    B:That’s original!

    Chatting online-(网络聊天)

    A:I haven’t seen you for a long time. what have you been up to ?

    B:I’ve been spending a lot of time online lately. What about you?

    A:Just the regular staff-work, gym,dinners,parties,etc.


    B:Are you still seeing your girlfriend?

    A:No, we actually broke up a while ago. What about you? Have you met anyone?

    B:I met a guy a few weeks ago.

    A:Good for you! What’s he like?

    B:I don’t know.

    A:What do you mean, you don’t know?

    B:Well, he says that he is tall, dark-skinned, and handsome.

    A:What do you think?

    B:I don’t know. I haven’t seen a picture of him yet.


    A:Why do you need a picture?

    B:I’m not ready to see him in person yet. I’ve only know him for a few weeks.

    A:Where did you meet him?

    B:I met him online, in a chat room.

    A:I see. Well, does he seem nice?

    B:I guess so. I’ll let you know once I meet him for real!

    chat 网络释义

    1. 闲谈:那个肥(fat)的老鼠(rat),把一顶帽子(cat)当成了公寓(flat),在7点钟,坐在坐垫(mat)上正在和蝙蝠(bat)闲谈(chat),一只不知什么(what)颜色的猫扑了过来

    2. 交流:而这只是外世界. 人的内心呢?却更进一步走向了狐独,这狐独的人群不可避免地走向疯狂和自怜(恋). 看啊,互联网时代不是疯狂的么?网络上的沟通和交流(CHAT)是多么的丰富和无耻,虚幻而精彩的E时代又是多么的滑稽和无奈.

    3. 聊天室:xxxx 聊天室(chat)产品的用户手册XXXX 聊天室(Chat)产品的演示XXXX 聊天室(Chat)产品的用户手册XXXX 聊天室(Chat)产品的演示

    4. chat:choline acetyl-transferase; 胆碱乙酰转移酶

    5. chat:choline-o-acetyl transferase; 胆碱乙

    6. chat:choline acetyl transferase; 乙酰胆碱转移酶

    7. chat:conversational hypertext access technology; 对话式超文本访问技术

    chat 词典解释

    1. 聊天;闲聊
        When people chat, they talk to each other in an informal and friendly way.

        e.g. The women were chatting...
        e.g. I was chatting to him the other day...

    相关词组:chat up

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