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  • writing

    英:[ˈraɪtɪŋ] 美: [ˈraɪtɪŋ] 

    writing 基本解释


    writing 相关例句


    1. Put your ideas in writing.

    2. writing

    2. His writings include poetry and a novel.


    3. She has read all the writings of Shakespeare.

    4. Your writing is hard to read.

    5. writing什么意思

    5. I can't read the doctor's writing.

    writing 情景对话

    Hearing and Writing-(听和写)

    A:Tell me about your English class, Mary.

    B:Well, yesterday the teacher wrote some sentences on the board.The first was "if you can't produce the sounds of a language acceptable, then you can't really hear them when other people make them".Next he worte, "if you can't hear the sounds of a language then you probably can't write the language well.Your inadequate pronunciation contributes to making your writing substandard."

    A:Do you think that's right?

    B:I don't know, Bob. I'll tell you when the course is over.


    A:I’d like to open a current account.


    B:Certainly. May I see your social security and your ID, please.

    A:Here you are. I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account.

    B:Oh, current account don’t pay out interest.

    A:Why is that?


    B:It’s primarily designed for business transactions. That is, writing checks to pay for bills, buying things and sending money.We won’t expect a large amount of deposit in a current account.

    A:I see. How do I draw money for my own use then?

    B:In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself.


    A:What do you do?


    B:I work in sales for money, but my real passion is writing.

    A:What do you write?

    B:I am writing a book based on my childhood. It’s about a friendship between a boy and his grandfather..


    A:That sounds interesting. How about your sales job? Do you enjoy it?

    B:Not really, but it pays the bills. What about you? Where do you work?

    A:I work for a large advertising agency.

    B:What do you do exactly?

    A:I work in the finance department.


    B:Have you been there long?

    A:This is just my first year. I’m hoping to get a promotion next year.

    B:Good luck with that.

    A:Thanks! Keep me posted about your book!
          谢谢! 随时告诉我你书的进展。

    writing 网络释义

    1. 写作能力:这些技能包括听力理解能力(listening),只有能够听懂外国人在说些什么才有可能跟他们沟通和交流;表达自己观点的技能(Speaking),一个有思想的人必须具备正确表达自己的能力;写作能力(Writing阅读并理解文章的技能(Reading

    writing 词典解释

    1. (写下或印出的)文字
        Writing is something that has been written or printed.


        e.g. 'It's from a notebook,' the sheriff said, 'And there's writing on it.'...
        e.g. If you have a complaint about your holiday, please inform us in writing.

    2. (尤指评论语言风格时的)文字作品,文章
        You can refer to any piece of written work as writing, especially when you are considering the style of language used in it.

        e.g. The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous...
        e.g. It was such a brilliant piece of writing.

    3. (尤指为赚取稿费而进行的)写作
        Writing is the activity of writing, especially of writing books for money.

        e.g. She had begun to be a little bored with novel writing.
        e.g. ...activities to help prepare children for writing.

    4. 笔迹;字迹;书写
        Your writing is the way that you write with a pen or pencil, which can usually be recognized as belonging to you.

        e.g. It was a little difficult to read your writing...
        e.g. I think it's due to being left handed that he's got terrible writing.

    5. (尤指某一作者有关某一专题的全部)著作,作品
        An author's writings are all the things that he or she has written, especially on a particular subject.

        e.g. Althusser's writings are focused mainly on France...
        e.g. The pieces he is reading are adapted from the writings of Michael Frayn.

    6. 凶兆毕现;有大难临头的预兆
        If you say that the writing is on the wall, you mean that there are clear signs that a situation is going to become very difficult or unpleasant.


        e.g. The writing is clearly on the wall. If we do nothing about it, we shall only have ourselves to blame.

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