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  • UN

    英:[ˌju:'en] 美: [ˌju:'en] 
    1. 同 United Nations The UN is the same as the United Nations . e.g. ...a UN peace-keeping mission. 联合国维和行动UN 单语例句UN是什么意思1. Sr

    UN 基本解释


    abbr.联合国(United Nations); 硝酸铀铣(Uranyl Nitrate)


    UN 网络释义

    1. 温:[教学过程] 一、引入 学生看情境图;天空有乌云(ün),小气象员(yuan)看看书,再看看温(un)度表,并作记录. 板书un ü 领读 un ü 温度的温un (wen)...

    2. un:unitednations; 联合国

    3. un:urea nitrogen; 脲氮

    4. un:urban network; 城市网

    5. un:united national; 亦是联合国

    UN 词典解释

    1. 同 United Nations
        The UN is the same as the United Nations .

        e.g. ...a UN peace-keeping mission.

    UN 单语例句


    1. Sri Lanka is currently under the spotlight over the UN Secretary General's special panel report which called for a war crimes investigation into Sri Lanka.

    2. The application was returned by the UN Office of Legal Affairs, according to the UN website.

    3. But he ruled out the possibility of deploying ground troops considering it was not envisaged by the UN 1973 resolution.

    4. UNIFIL was mandated by UN Security Council Resolution 1701 to conduct peacekeeping missions in south Lebanon.

    5. Ottawa's new sanctions were designed to conform to similar punitive measures recently taken by the European Union and the United States under UN Resolution 1926.

    6. Whether an appearance before the Security Council by Ahmadinejad would affect the contents or vote on a new UN resolution remains to be seen.

    7. Russia accused NATO of breaking the spirit of the UN resolution by picking sides in the Libya conflict and openly backing the opposition.

    8. The government also said the rebels violated the UN resolution by using a helicopter and a fighter jet to bomb Libyan armed forces.

    9. A resolution passed by the UN in 2004 did call for the disarmament of all militias in Lebanon.

    10. UN weapons inspectors searched at least seven suspect sites in Iraq on Monday, and the head of a missile facility accused them of acting like gangsters.

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