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  • brutal

    英:[ˈbru:tl] 美: [ˈbrutl] 
    1. 野蛮的;残暴的 A brutal act or person is cruel and violent. e.g. He was the victim of a very brutal murder. 他是一桩恶性谋杀案的受害者。

    brutal 基本解释


    brutal 相关例句


    1. It was brutal of him to do that.

    2. brutal的近义词

    2. We had another brutal winter.

    3. He confessed the brutal truth.

    brutal 网络释义


    1. 残忍的:cruiser 巡洋舰 | brutal 残忍的 | demon 魔鬼

    2. 残忍的;不人道的;无情的:twirled in the direction of the noise. 突然转向发出吵闹声音的地方 | 6. brutal残忍的;不人道的;无情的 | a brutal attack 残忍的攻击

    3. 野蛮的:brisk#活泼的 | brutal#野蛮的 | callous#无感觉的

    4. 大卫.摩斯:[主 演]:汤姆.汉克斯 Tom Hanks .... Paul Edgecomb | 大卫.摩斯 David Morse .... Brutus "Brutal" Howell | 邦尼.亨特 Bonnie Hunt .... Jan Edgecomb

    brutal 词典解释

    1. 野蛮的;残暴的
        A brutal act or person is cruel and violent.

        e.g. He was the victim of a very brutal murder.
        e.g. ...the brutal suppression of anti-government protests...

    Her real parents had been brutally murdered.

    2. 直截了当的;直言不讳的;直率的
        If someone expresses something unpleasant with brutal honesty or frankness, they express it in a clear and accurate way, without attempting to disguise its unpleasantness.

        e.g. It was refreshing to talk about themselves and their feelings with brutal honesty...
        e.g. He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.

    The talks had been brutally frank...
    'Lotte Bruckner is dead.' It came out more brutally than Brand had intended.

    3. 残酷无情的;难以忍受的
        Brutal is used to describe things that have an unpleasant effect on people, especially when there is no attempt by anyone to reduce their effect.

        e.g. The dip in prices this summer will be brutal...
        e.g. The afternoon sun had been brutal...

    The early-morning New York air can be brutally cold.

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