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  • bloody

    英:[ˈblʌdi] 美: [ˈblʌdi] 

    bloody 基本解释

    形容词血腥的,残忍的; 血一样的; 血染的; 嗜杀的,残忍的


    动词血污,血染; 使流血

    bloody 相关例句


    1. Jack came home with a bloody nose.

    2. He is a bloody fool.

    3. It was a bloody battle.


    1. It's bloody wonderful!


    1. His pants leg was torn and bloodied when he fell.

    2. Leave me alone or I'll bloody your nose.

    bloody 网络释义

    1. 血腥的:也可能是 血腥的 (bloody)他深谙游击战术的技巧 经常带着游击队(guerrilla)神出鬼没的骚扰政府军 打完就跑 (hit and run)压倒Somoza家族垮台的最后一根稻草(The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back)是1972年发生的一次地震对于国际社会的捐款,


    2. 鹰鼻子也要马上:其实内心狂热很Hearty, | 俺想就算是情圣Kennedy, | 鹰鼻子也要马上Bloody.

    bloody 词典解释

    1. (尤用于生气时加强语气)该死的,讨厌的
        Bloody is used by some people to emphasize what they are saying, especially when they are angry.

    2. 血腥的;暴力的
        If you describe a situation or event as bloody, you mean that it is very violent and a lot of people are killed.

        e.g. Forty-three demonstrators were killed in bloody clashes...
        e.g. They came to power in 1975 after a bloody civil war.

    Rebellions in the area were bloodily repressed by pro-government forces.

    3. 血淋淋的;血迹斑斑的
        You can describe someone or something as bloody if they are covered in a lot of blood.

        e.g. He was arrested last October still carrying a bloody knife...
        e.g. Yulka's fingers were bloody and cracked.

    The soldier reeled bloodily away.

    4. 使流血;使出血
        If you have bloodied part of your body, there is blood on it, usually because you have had an accident or you have been attacked.

        e.g. One of our children fell and bloodied his knee...
        e.g. She stared at her own bloodied hands, unable to think or move.

    5. 伤害;损害;打击
        If someone or something is bloodied by an experience, they are hurt or damaged by it.

        e.g. She'd been bloodied in love...
        e.g. The reinsurance market has been bloodied by disasters in the U.S.

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