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  • recur

    英:[rɪˈkɜ:(r)] 美: [rɪˈkɚ] 

    recur 基本解释

    不及物动词复发; 重现; 再发生; 回想

    recur 相关例句


    4. The builder recurred to the matter of the cost of remodeling our house.

    recur 网络释义

    1. 再发生,重现:recuperate 恢复(健康) | recur 再发生,重现 | redeem 偿还,救赎,补偿

    2. recur在线翻译

    2. 重现,再回到:recourse 求助 | recur 重现,再回到 | recurrent 频频发生,重现,周期性的

    3. 复发:recur to 重新提起 | recur 复发 | recurrence 复发

    4. 再发生:editor 编辑 | recur 再发生 | scour 搜索

    recur 词典解释

    1. 复发;重现;再次发生
        If something recurs, it happens more than once.

        e.g. ...a theme that was to recur frequently in his work.
        e.g. ...a recurring nightmare she has had since childhood.

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