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  • pursue

    英:[pəˈsju:] 美: [pərˈsu:] 

    pursue 基本解释

    及物动词追求; 继续; 追捕; 进行

    不及物动词追,追赶; 继续进行

    pursue 同义词

    动词go afterfollowhuntshadowquestheeltrailchaseseek

    pursue 反义词


    pursue 相关例句


    1. He pursued the river to its source.

    2. Bad luck pursued us.

    3. Illness pursued him till his death.

    4. pursue什么意思

    4. The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.

    5. She pursued the study of English for five years.

    pursue 网络释义

    1. pursue的解释

    1. 追击:为此,韦斯特还透露新内阁打击恐怖主义的策略,即4P战略--准备(prepare)、保护(protect)、追击(pursue)和预防(prevent). 其中如何预防英国境内的年轻穆斯林被海外的激进组织洗脑并进而吸纳,被视为是最重要的工作.

    2. 追踪:这位前海军上将还透露新内阁打击恐怖主义的策略,总结为四个P,分别是准备(prepare)、保护(protect)、追踪(pursue)及预防(prevent),其中如何预防英国境内的年轻穆斯林被海外的激进组织洗脑并进而吸纳,被视为是最重要的工作.

    pursue 词典解释

    1. 实行;执行;贯彻
        If you pursue an activity, interest, or plan, you carry it out or follow it.

        e.g. It became harder for women married to diplomats to pursue their own interests...
        e.g. He said Japan would continue to pursue the policies laid down at the London summit...

    2. 寻求;追求
        If you pursue a particular aim or result, you make efforts to achieve it, often over a long period of time.

        e.g. The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously...
        e.g. Mr. Menendez has aggressively pursued new business.

    3. 追查;追问;追究
        If you pursue a particular topic, you try to find out more about it by asking questions.

        e.g. If your original request is denied, don't be afraid to pursue the matter.

    4. 追赶;追逐;追捕
        If you pursue a person, vehicle, or animal, you follow them, usually in order to catch them.

        e.g. She pursued the man who had stolen a woman's bag.

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