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  • oral

    英:[ˈɔ:rəl] 美: [ˈɔrəl] 

    oral 基本解释

    oral 同义词


    oral 相关例句


    1. An oral agreement is not enough; we must have a written promise.

    2. He passed his German oral exam.

    3. We're having an oral test in class this week.

    4. oral

    4. The oral opening in an earthworm is small.


    1. oral的意思

    1. She passed her orals.

    oral 网络释义

    1. 口头的:我建议继续使用这一术语,就理解而言,口头的(oral)并非只是简单地对立于书写的(written),而口头诗歌中的诗歌,在这里也被赋予了最为宽泛的语词含义;在这一表达式的上下文中,诗歌不必按唱(singing)或歌(song)来加以区别.

    2. 口腔:原来,道德(moral)和口腔(oral)有如此接近的「血缘」关系,只差一个字母而已!怪不得我们经常听到人们用口腔对食物的好恶所带来的感觉做为隐喻,去比拟行为是否合乎道德的标准. 例如西方的谚语中有一句话很传神,

    3. 口头:4、人际交往技能(Interper,罗百辉的总经理/总裁/CEO职业博客(罗百辉模具技术联盟) - 企业博客网系统分析员需要与各种各样的人进行交流,应该是一个很好的沟通者(Communicator),其技能包括提出问题能力(Question)、倾听能力(Listen)、口头(Oral)和书面(Writt

    4. 口服:FDA官方网站上对丙酮(acetone)药用的记载:结果显示口服(oral)和外用(topical)剂型里,丙酮可以作为非活性成份(inactive ingredient)被使用FDA官方网站上对丙酮(acetone)药用的记载:结果显示口服(oral)和外用(topical)剂型里,

    oral 词典解释

    1. 口头的;口述的
        Oral communication is spoken rather than written.

        e.g. ...the written and oral traditions of ancient cultures.
        e.g. ...an oral agreement.

    ...their ability to present ideas orally and in writing.

    2. (尤指外语)口试
        An oral is an examination, especially in a foreign language, that is spoken rather than written.

        e.g. I spoke privately to the candidate after the oral.

    3. 用口的;口的;口腔的
        You use oral to indicate that something is done with a person's mouth or relates to a person's mouth.

        e.g. ...good oral hygiene.

    4. (药物)口服的
        Oral medicines are taken by mouth.

        e.g. ...oral contraceptives.

    ...antibiotic tablets taken orally.

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