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  • melt

    英:[melt] 美: [mɛlt] 

    melt 基本解释

    不及物动词熔化,溶解; 逐渐融合; 逐渐消失; 感动,软化,感情上变得温和

    及物动词熔化,溶解; 使混合在一起; 逐渐消散; 使变得温和或温柔

    melt 同义词



    melt 反义词


    melt 相关词组

    1. melt in the mouth : 嫩软; 好吃极了;

    2. melt into : 化为, 因心软而...;

    3. melt down : 熔化;

    4. melt away : 消失, 融掉;

    melt 相关词组

    1. melt in the mouth : 嫩软; 好吃极了;

    2. melt into : 化为, 因心软而...;

    3. melt down : 熔化;

    4. melt away : 消失, 融掉;

    melt 相关例句


    1. Her tears melted his heart.

    2. Iron will melt when it is made very hot.


    1. The snow has melted.

    2. The sugar melted in the tea.

    3. She melted into tears.

    melt 网络释义

    1. (融化):这一节语气平和缓慢,整个场面完全是为了烘托第五行的融化(melt)一词. 诗人告诉恋人,分离时不需要表现出夸张的悲哀,只需要静静的融化,他用死亡的比喻来说明,甚至连死亡也是极为微妙、难以觉察的,聚在旁边的观看的人也说不出最后一口气何时离去.

    2. 熔化:根据业界现有的微芯片研究...本快速充电器被设计成可作2号、3号、4号各种镍氢/ 镍镉电池充电,因此采用连接器与各电池连接电池盒的方式,值得注意的是电池盒的选用必需非常谨慎,否则电池盒会有熔化(melt)之虞,笔者装设through hole type散热器(heat sink)增加散热效果;

    3. 熔融:最后此一系列可塑性的(plasticized)熔融(melt)状态,被推送至模口(die)成型,进而释放于大气中膨发,成为一种具有类似肌肉纤维质感的纤维状植物性拉丝蛋白.

    4. melt是什么意思

    4. 溶化:雪在地面上会溶化(melt)或升华(sublime). 不溶化的雪可能形成冰川(glacier). squall(飑):指风速的突然、快速增大,通常伴随阵雨(shower)、雷暴(thunderstorm)和降雪等天气. wind(风):指空气或其它气体流动. Gust指强度和方向不断变化的风.

    5. melt:multilevel elfin logistics team; 多层“小精灵”后勤组

    6. melt:the monetary expression of labor time; 劳动时间的货币表述

    melt 词典解释

    1. (使)熔化;(使)融化
        When a solid substance melts or when you melt it, it changes to a liquid, usually because it has been heated.

        e.g. The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid...
        e.g. Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water...

    2. (情绪等)消失,消散,平息
        If something such as your feelings melt, they suddenly disappear and you no longer feel them.

        e.g. His anxiety about the outcome melted, to return later but not yet...
        e.g. He would have struggled but his strength had melted.

    3. 逐渐融入(黑暗、人群等);与…融为一体
        If a person or thing melts into something such as darkness or a crowd of people, they become difficult to see, for example because they are moving away from you or are the same colour as the background.

        e.g. The youths dispersed and melted into the darkness...
        e.g. The squadron's armour is draped in sand-coloured nets that melt into the landscape.

    4. (使)(心)软化
        If someone or something melts your heart, or if your heart melts, you start to feel love or sympathy towards them.

        e.g. When his lips break into a smile, it is enough to melt any woman's heart...
        e.g. When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt.

    5. (带鱼或肉的)奶酪三明治
        A melt is a piece of bread which has meat or fish on it, and melted cheese on top.

        e.g. ...a tuna melt.

    相关词组:melt awaymelt down

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