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  • medieval

    英:[ˌmediˈi:vl] 美: [ˌmidiˈivəl] 
    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 mediaeval1. 中世纪的(指公元476年西罗马帝国灭亡至公元1500年左右这段时期) Something that is medieval relates to or was made in

    medieval 基本解释


    medieval 网络释义

    2. 中古的,中世纪的:mechanical 机械的 | medieval 中古的,中世纪的 | mental 心理的,精神的,

    medieval 词典解释

    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 mediaeval

    1. 中世纪的(指公元476年西罗马帝国灭亡至公元1500年左右这段时期)
        Something that is medieval relates to or was made in the period of European history between the end of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and about 1500 AD.

        e.g. ...a medieval castle.
        e.g. ...the medieval chroniclers.

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