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  • mathematics

    英:[ˌmæθəˈmætɪks] 美: [ˌmæθəˈmætɪks] 
    1. 数学 Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, or shapes.mathematics e.g. Elizabeth studied mathematics and classics. 伊丽莎白学过数

    mathematics 基本解释


    名词数学; 〈诗〉同“ripen”; 算学


    mathematics 相关例句


    1. His mathematics are weak.

    2. Mathematics is her favorite subject.

    mathematics 网络释义

    1. 数学类:anguage & Literature)创造性写作 非英语语言及文学类(Foreign Language & Literature)名著、非英语语言/文学、法语、德语、意大利语、日语、语言学、俄语历史学类(History)美国历史、欧洲历史、历史学 数学类(Mathematics)数学交叉学科类(M

    mathematics 词典解释

    1. 数学
        Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, or shapes.


        e.g. Elizabeth studied mathematics and classics.
        e.g. ...a professor of mathematics at Boston College.

    2. 数学运算;(数学题的)运算过程
        The mathematics of a problem is the calculations that are involved in it.


        e.g. Once you understand the mathematics of debt you can work your way out of it.

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