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  • monotonous

    英:[məˈnɒtənəs] 美: [məˈnɑ:tənəs] 
    比较级:more monotonous最高级:most monotonous

    monotonous 基本解释


    monotonous 相关例句


    1. The preacher's monotonous voice put me to sleep.

    2. The explorers lived on a monotonous diet of beans and rice.


    3. My job at the assembly line of the car factory is rather monotonous.

    monotonous 网络释义

    1. 单调的:英格兰有许多满布工厂的城镇,逐渐充满了草率建筑的(Jerry-Built)低级公寓群(Rookeries矿区则千篇一律是公司所盖的单调的(Monotonous)、几乎没有配备的、像是避难所的小屋(Cottage).

    2. 单调:如果在写文章的时候老是用同一个词,就会给人单调 (monotonous) 而没有变化(variety)的感觉. 但具有不同意思的同一个词在同一个句子里使用却是很有意思的:

    3. 单调性:正齐次性(Positively Homogeneous)、单调性(monotonous)和传递不变性(Translation Invariant)四个条件,则该风险计量是一致性风险计量. ...

    4. monotonous

    4. 千篇一律的:8. brilliant 辉煌的,卓越的 | 9. monotonous 千篇一律的 | 10. doleful 无聊的

    monotonous 词典解释

    1. 单调乏味的;毫无变化的
        Something that is monotonous is very boring because it has a regular, repeated pattern which never changes.


        e.g. It's monotonous work, like most factory jobs...
        e.g. The food may get a bit monotonous, but there'll be enough of it.

    The rain dripped monotonously from the trees.

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