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  • lie

    英:[laɪ] 美: [lai] 
    第三人称单数:lies第三人称复数:lies现在分词:lying过去分词:lain; lied过去式:lay; lied

    lie 基本解释

    1. act a lie : 用行动骗人;

    2. live a lie : 做人虚伪;

    3. lie low : 卧伏, 处于低处, 潜伏;

    lie 相关词组

    1. act a lie : 用行动骗人;

    2. live a lie : 做人虚伪;

    3. lie low : 卧伏, 处于低处, 潜伏;

    lie 相关例句


    1. The factory lies to the west of town.

    2. Japan lies to the east of China.

    3. That clock must be lying; it isn't noon yet.

    4. lie

    4. Don't lie to me.

    lie 网络释义

    1. 说谎:不(b)简洁,哥(g)悲伤,阿姨(re)说谎(lie)为缓解恐怖分子驾驶飞机撞(clash)到世贸大楼,飞机失事(crash) ,余波把大楼击碎(smash),整个世贸大楼变成废墟(ash),小布什感到很羞愧(ashamed),需要花很多现金(cash)来恢复美国经济.

    2. lie:liquid ion evaporation; 液体离子蒸发

    3. lie:line interface equipment; 线路接口设备

    4. lie:comité olympique de liechtenstein; 列支敦士登奥林匹克委员会

    5. lie:liechtenstein; 列支敦士登

    lie 词典解释


    1. 躺;平卧
        If you are lying somewhere, you are in a horizontal position and are not standing or sitting.

        e.g. There was a child lying on the ground...
        e.g. The injured man was lying motionless on his back...

    2. 被平放
        If an object lies in a particular place, it is in a flat position in that place.

        e.g. ...a newspaper lying on a nearby couch...
        e.g. Broken glass lay scattered on the carpet.

    3. (某处)位于(某个位置或方向)
        If you say that a place lies in a particular position or direction, you mean that it is situated there.


        e.g. The islands lie at the southern end of the Kurile chain.

    4. 处于…状态
        You can use lie to say that something is or remains in a particular state or condition. For example, if something lies forgotten, it has been and remains forgotten.

        e.g. She turned back to the Bible lying open in her lap...
        e.g. The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years...

    5. (比赛等中)排名,占名次
        You can use lie to say what position a competitor or team is in during a competition.

        e.g. I was going well and was lying fourth...
        e.g. Blyth Tait is lying in second place.

    6. (问题、解决方法、过错等)存在,在于
        You can talk about where something such as a problem, solution, or fault lies to say what you think it consists of, involves, or is caused by.

        e.g. The problem lay in the large amounts spent on defence...
        e.g. They will only assume that, as a woman, the fault lies with me...

    7. (尤指不快或困难之事)将发生,在等待
        You use lie in expressions such as lie ahead ,lie in store, and lie in wait when you are talking about what someone is going to experience in the future, especially when it is something unpleasant or difficult.

        e.g. She'd need all her strength and bravery to cope with what lay in store...
        e.g. The President's most serious challenges lie ahead.

    8. (尤用于墓碑上的文字中)长眠
        Lie is used in formal English, especially on gravestones, to say that a dead person is buried in a particular place.

        e.g. The inscription reads: Here lies Catin, the son of Magarus...
        e.g. My father lies in the small cemetery a few miles up this road.

    9. (光、云、雾等)存在,展现
        If you say that light, clouds, or fog lie somewhere, you mean that they exist there or are spread over the area mentioned.


        e.g. It had been wet overnight, and a morning mist lay on the field.

    10. 位置;状态
        The lie of an object or area is its position or the way that it is arranged.

        e.g. The actual site of a city is determined by the natural lie of the land.

    11. to let sleeping dogs lie -> see dog
          to lie in state -> see state
          to take something lying down -> see take

    Do not confuse the verb lie with the verb lay. Because lay is used to talk about putting something in a particular place or position, it is related to the verb lie. If someone lays something somewhere, it lies there. The past tense of lie is lay and the past participle is lain. It is an intransitive verb. I lay on the floor with my legs in the air. However, lay, whose past tense and past participle are both laid, is usually a transitive verb. They laid him on the floor.
    不要混淆lie与lay这两个动词的用法。lay表示将某物放在某处或某个位置,意义上与动词lie有相关之处。某人将某物放(lay)在某处,那该物就放(lie)在那里。lie的过去式是lay,过去分词是lain,为不及物动词,如:I lay on the floor with my legs in the air(我躺在地上,双腿抬起)。而lay的过去式和过去分词均为laid,通常作及物动词,如:They laid him on the floor(他们把他放在地上)。

    相关词组:lie aroundlie backlie behindlie down


    1. 谎言;假话
        A lie is something that someone says or writes which they know is untrue.

        e.g. 'Who else do you work for?' — 'No one.' — 'That's a lie.'...
        e.g. I've had enough of your lies...

    2. 说谎;骗人
        If someone is lying, they are saying something which they know is not true.

        e.g. I know he's lying...
        e.g. If asked, he lies about his age...

    Lying is something that I will not tolerate.

    3. (事物)造成假象,不可靠
        If you say that something lies, you mean that it does not express or represent something accurately.

        e.g. The camera can sometimes lie.

    4. see also: lying

    5. 戳穿;揭穿;证明…不实
        If something gives the lie to a statement, claim, or theory, it suggests or proves that it is not true.

        e.g. This survey gives the lie to the idea that Britain is moving towards economic recovery.

    6. 虚伪地生活;活在谎言之中
        If you say that someone is living a lie, you mean that in every part of their life they are hiding the truth about themselves from other people.

        e.g. My mother never told my father the truth about me. We've been living a lie all this time.

    7. (用于纠正口误)不对,我说错了
        People sometimes say 'I tell a lie' when they have just made a mistake in something that they are saying and immediately correct it.

        e.g. It is the first scene of the play chronologically. I tell a lie, it's actually strictly speaking the second scene.

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