弘扬华夏古籍 传承国粹精华
  • inform

    英:[ɪnˈfɔ:m] 美: [ɪnˈfɔ:rm] 

    inform 基本解释

    及物动词通知; 使活跃,使充满; 预示

    不及物动词通知; 告发

    inform 同义词


    inform 反义词


    inform 相关例句


    1. These poems are informed with sincerity.

    2. inform的近义词

    2. The headmistress informed us that the school would be closed for one day next week.

    3. I informed his wife of his safe arrival.

    4. He informed her he was thinking of entering medical school.


    1. He informed against the drugpusher.

    inform 网络释义

    1. 报告,通告,告诉:influx 流入,注入 | inform 报告,通告,告诉 | information generator 信息发送器

    inform 词典解释

    1. 通知;告知
        If you inform someone of something, you tell them about it.

        e.g. They would inform him of any progress they had made...
        e.g. My daughter informed me that she was pregnant...

    2. 告发;检举
        If someone informs on a person, they give information about the person to the police or another authority, which causes the person to be suspected or proved guilty of doing something bad.

        e.g. Somebody must have informed on us...
        e.g. Thousands of American citizens have informed on these organized crime syndicates.

    3. 赋(思想或特质)于;渗透入
        If a situation or activity is informed by an idea or a quality, that idea or quality is very noticeable in it.

        e.g. All great songs are informed by a certain sadness and tension...
        e.g. The concept of the Rose continued to inform the poet's work.

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