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  • ideal

    英:[aɪˈdi:əl] 美: [aɪˈdiəl, aɪˈdil] 

    ideal 基本解释

    ideal 反义词


    ideal 相关例句


    1. Nobody would approve your ideal plans for reforming the system of government.

    2. You're an ideal family.


    1. He considered the judge his ideal.

    2. My friends share democratic ideals with me.

    ideal 情景对话


    A:May I take your order now?

    B:Yes, I think we’re ready to order. Elizabeth, what would you like to have?

    C:I haven’t made up my mind yet. You order first, Donald.

    B:All right. I’ll start with chicken soup. Then I want a steak, medium rare. I’ll have a baked potato, green beans and an egg salad. I’ll order dessert later.

    A:Yes, sir. And you, miss? What would you like to have?

    C:I can’t decide. I don’t see anything I really like.

    A:There are over thirty dishes to select from, miss.

    B:There ought to be something you like, Elizabeth.

    C:Well, I guess so. But I only see food that I don’t like. I don’t care for chicken and I can’t stand fish. Do you have any oysters?


    A:No, miss. I’m afraid not. How about some other seafood?

    C:Oysters are the only seafood I like. I dislike the rest.

    B:I wish I could think of something for you.

    A:May I suggest cream of tomato soup, steak with mushroom gravy, asparagus, and buttered cauliflower. For dessert—strawberry pie with ice cream?

    C:No, that isn’t my ideal of a good meal. I’ll have a hamburger. That’s my favorite dish. I have it every day.

    ideal 词典解释

    1. 理想
        An ideal is a principle, idea, or standard that seems very good and worth trying to achieve.

        e.g. ...the bohemian ideals of truth, beauty, freedom and love.
        e.g. I tried to live up to my ideal of myself.

    2. 理想典范;完美典型
        Your ideal of something is the person or thing that seems to you to be the best possible example of it.


        e.g. ...the Japanese ideal of beauty...
        e.g. Throughout his career she remained his feminine ideal.

    3. 理想的;最佳的
        The ideal person or thing for a particular task or purpose is the best possible person or thing for it.

        e.g. She decided that I was the ideal person to take over the job...
        e.g. I really love the area and see it as an ideal place to start my managerial career...

    4. 完美的;理想的
        An ideal society or world is the best possible one that you can imagine.

        e.g. We do not live in an ideal world...
        e.g. In an ideal world, there would be no such thing as rubbish...

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