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  • humorous

    英:[ˈhju:mərəs] 美: [ˈhjumərəs] 
    1. 滑稽的;(尤指)幽默的,诙谐的 If someone or something is humorous, they are amusing, especially in a clever or witty way. e.g. He was quite humorous, and I

    humorous 基本解释

    humorous 反义词


    humorous 相关例句


    1. They were imaginative, quick, and humorous.

    humorous 网络释义

    1. 幽默的:二年前我就提出本校的大学理念,当时开会经由全体教职员热烈鼓掌通过,真理大学就是要宣扬谦逊的(Humble)、人道的(Humane)、幽默的(Humorous)三 H 的大学理念,来教育学生,来培养学生,希望人人具有健全发展的人格.

    2. humorous的意思

    2. 的:根据美国户外广告协会(OAAA)的说法, 一般而言,有创意的(innovative), 有美感的(aesthetic), 或幽默的(humorous)户外广告, 才能吸引受众的注意,引发消费者会心的一笑, 同时增加对广告的记忆度.

    3. 有幽默:hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的 | humorous 有幽默 | impartial 公正的

    humorous 词典解释

    1. 滑稽的;(尤指)幽默的,诙谐的
        If someone or something is humorous, they are amusing, especially in a clever or witty way.

        e.g. He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him.
        e.g. ...a humorous magazine.

    He looked at me humorously as he wrestled with the door...
    Occasionally he made a humorously sardonic remark.

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