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  • fuel

    英:[ˈfju:əl] 美: [ˈfjuəl] 

    fuel 基本解释


    名词燃料; (为身体提供能量的)食物; (维持、增加感情的)刺激物; 竞选提神(或兴奋)剂(一种健怡可乐,饮用后能使人精力充沛地从事竞选活动)

    及物动词给…加燃料,给…加油; 激起


    fuel 相关例句


    1. Aircraft sometimes fuel while in the air.

    2. His rude remarks fueled her anger.

    3. fuel

    3. The boiler is fueled by coal.


    1. They are trying to find a cleaner fuel for cars.

    2. fuel在线翻译

    2. Gas and coal are fuels.

    3. fuel

    3. His insults were fuel to her hatred.

    fuel 网络释义

    1. 燃油:一条路线被阻,会自动换另一条. 但是如果发生战争,被包围的情况下,补给线就会开始紧张了. 平时100%补给时,可以不用去操心这些,一旦被包围,你就得根据省份的补给吞吐量去选择最有价值突围路线了. 2.原油(Crude Oil)与燃油(Fuel)

    2. 可燃物:由图1之流程可以清楚地看出:可燃性物质要燃烧需要具备:(1)可燃物(Fuel(2)氧气(Oxygen(3)热源(Heat(4)连锁反应(Chain reaction)四者缺一不可,吾人可利用一简单之正四面体来表示燃烧的四要素及其内容;如图2.

    3. fuel

    3. 使用燃料:玩家必须在游戏中挑战生涯模式(Career)与挑战项目(Challenges),方能解开新车辆与人物外观的使用权;获得使用权后,玩家还得使用燃料(FUEL)来购买这些商品.

    fuel 词典解释

    in AM, use 美国英语用fueling, fueled

    1. 燃料
        Fuel is a substance such as coal, oil, or petrol that is burned to provide heat or power.

        e.g. They ran out of fuel.
        e.g. ...industrial research into cleaner fuels.

    2. 刺激;使变得更糟;使加剧
        To fuel a situation means to make it become worse or more intense.

        e.g. The result will inevitably fuel speculation about the Prime Minister's future...
        e.g. The economic boom was fueled by easy credit.

    3. (对…)火上浇油
        If something adds fuel to a conflict or debate, or adds fuel to the fire, it makes the conflict or debate more intense.

        e.g. His comments are bound to add fuel to the debate...
        e.g. The decision to raise tariffs on imports will only add fuel to the fire.

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