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  • destructive

    英:[dɪˈstrʌktɪv] 美: [dɪˈstrʌktɪv] 
    1. 破坏(性)的;毁灭(性)的 Something that is destructive causes or is capable of causing great damage, harm, or injury. e.g. ...the awesome destructive pow

    destructive 基本解释

    形容词破坏性的; 毁灭性的; 有害的

    destructive 相关例句


    1. It was the most destructive storm in 30 years.


    2. Such a habit is destructive to the morals of youth.

    destructive 网络释义

    1. 毁灭性的:只有新宗教中极少数的极端教派才能称为邪教,因此应在cult前加上疯狂的(crazed)、邪恶的(evil)、危险的(dangerous)或毁灭性的(destructive)等形容词,cult具有潜在的危险性,但并不是所有的cult都是邪教,只有这些破坏性显露出来,

    2. 破坏性:用来研究事物本质的想象工具.本文从科学方法论的角度分析了心灵哲学中的一些主要思想实验.基于它们作为证据如何发挥其功能主要分为:建设性(constructive)思想实验与破坏性(destructive)思想实验.笔者结合心...论证心灵是可计算的,

    3. 破坏的:destructive vibration 破坏性振动 | destructive 破坏的 | destrutive read-out 破坏读出

    destructive 词典解释

    1. 破坏(性)的;毁灭(性)的
        Something that is destructive causes or is capable of causing great damage, harm, or injury.

        e.g. ...the awesome destructive power of nuclear weapons...
        e.g. Guilt can be very destructive.

    ...the size of armies and the destructiveness of their weapons.
    Power can be used creatively or destructively.

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