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  • compile

    英:[kəmˈpaɪl] 美: [kəmˈpaɪl] 

    compile 基本解释

    及物动词编译; 编制; 汇编; 编辑

    compile 相关例句


    1. It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.

    2. compile是什么意思

    2. He compiled enough information on his tour of South American capitals to write a book.

    3. compile

    3. We are compiling an English dictionary for students.

    compile 网络释义

    1. 编辑:Gentoo 之所以跑得比其他版本快的主要原因在於自己可以在编辑(compile)之前设定符合你自己电脑的参数,而把你电脑的效能发挥到极致,这也是我当初被它吸引的主因.

    2. 编写:List13-2是Therinks公司的WebPackISE,经过程序编写(Compile)时的部份Rep ort File,由该List可知错误的原因可能是利用第25,26,31,32行的程序进主要原因是std_logic_vector祇允许2进位叙述,虽然某些程序编写器(Compil er)允许这种方式,

    compile 词典解释

    1. 汇编;编制;编纂
        When you compile something such as a report, book, or programme, you produce it by collecting and putting together many pieces of information.


        e.g. Councils were required to compile a register of all adults living in their areas...
        e.g. The book took 10 years to compile...

    There have been enormous advances in the compilation of data on suspected terrorists.

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