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  • craft

    英:[krɑ:ft] 美: [kræft] 

    craft 基本解释

    名词手艺; 船; 飞行器; 诡计

    及物动词手工制作; 精巧地制作

    craft 相关例句


    1. He told us a carefully crafted story.


    1. The harbour was full of all kinds of craft.

    2. He learned his craft from an old master.

    3. She is a woman full of craft.

    4. He knew the craft of making furniture.

    craft 网络释义

    1. 工艺:'''工艺'''(Craft)是劳动者利用生产工具对各种原材料、半成品进行加工或处理,最终使之成为产品的方法与过程. '''工艺'''(Craft)是[[劳动者]]利用[[生产工具]]对各种[[原材料]]、[[半成品]]进行[[增值]][[加工]]或处理,最终使之成为[[製成品]]的方法与过程.

    2. 手艺:以提升效率.专业化(Job specialization)国富论(1776)的作者亚当史密斯(Adam Smith)比较铁针的两种制造方法:手艺(Craft) -- 每一工人全

    3. craft的翻译

    3. 技能:行动就要像可靠的领导者,「当你把自己当品牌,你就是领导者,你要领导你自己,不需要组织图. 」*技能(craft)就是有市场价值的技术. *特色(distinction)就是令人印象深刻. *人际技巧(networking skills)就是口碑.

    craft 词典解释

    Craft is both the singular and the plural form for meaning 1. 义项1的单复数同形。

    1. 船;航天器;飞行器;飞机
        You can refer to a boat, a spacecraft, or an aircraft as a craft .


        e.g. With great difficulty, the fisherman manoeuvred his small craft close to the reef...
        e.g. The troops are reported to have advanced nearly four miles since they were landed from naval craft on Sunday evening.

    2. 手艺;工艺
        A craft is an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things skilfully with your hands.


        e.g. ...the arts and crafts of the North American Indians...
        e.g. All kinds of traditional craft industries are preserved here.

    3. (需要技术的)行业,职业
        You can use craft to refer to any activity or job that involves doing something skilfully.

        e.g. ...the craft of writing...
        e.g. Maurice Murphy, one of the country's leading classical trumpeters, learnt his craft with the Black Dyke Mills band.

    4. 精心制作;周密制订
        If something is crafted, it is made skilfully.

        e.g. The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages...
        e.g. Many delegates were willing to craft a compromise...

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