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  • couple

    英:[ˈkʌpl] 美: [ˈkʌpəl] 

    couple 基本解释

    couple 相关词组

    1. a couple of : 一对..., 三两个...;

    couple 相关词组

    1. a couple of : 一对..., 三两个...;

    couple 相关例句


    1. His name was coupled with hers.

    2. couple

    2. His intelligence, coupled with her patience, overcame all difficulties.


    1. They walked a couple of miles.

    2. The young couple decided to start their tour immediately.

    3. Ten couples took the floor.

    couple 情景对话



    A:(Prices/ rents) have really gone up the past couple of years.



    A:We caught a (guy/ man/ burglar) a couple of months ago.

    B:Oh, I see.



    A:Rose and Herb look cute together.

    B:Have you ever thought...


    A:...that they're a match made in heaven?

    B:Yes, my thoughts exactly!


    A:If we work together, they'll be a couple in no time!

    couple 网络释义

    1. 力偶:由转矩(torgue)或力偶(couple)所产生的扭曲形变. 扭杆是一种弹簧,一端固定,在另一端施以转矩. 扭杆常用于机动车的悬浮系统中. 引力常数(gravitationalconstant)时所使用的型式;在此型式中将仪器日全食(eclipse)的持续期间,

    2. 夫妻:其实一点也不特别,英文叫PLAYMATE,中文定义:一起玩耍、玩乐、游玩、包括玩世不恭的同伴. 区别于同学(schoolmate),同事(yokemate ),恋人(lover),夫妻(couple)现在的网站也有很多寻找玩伴的功能,例如飞信,例如网易既然这样,

    3. 夫妇:文中对那对夫妇(couple)、侍者(waiter)、他人(others)的生动刻画体现出一种人文思想理念,值得读者去欣赏和思考:如今社会飞速发展,生活节奏快,人们总是忙于工作、学习、创业;那么我们不妨也可以改变一律的生活习惯,使生活有所创意、有所突破,

    couple 词典解释

    1. 两个;几个
        If you refer to a couple of people or things, you mean two or approximately two of them, although the exact number is not important or you are not sure of it.

        e.g. Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard...
        e.g. I think the trouble will clear up in a couple of days.

    2. 夫妻;情人
        A couple is two people who are married, living together, or having a sexual relationship.

        e.g. The couple have no children.
        e.g. ...after burglars ransacked an elderly couple's home.

    3. (在某种场合在一起或有某种关系的)一对人,两个人
        A couple is two people that you see together on a particular occasion or that have some association.

        e.g. ...as the four couples began the opening dance...
        e.g. They were an odd couple.

    4. 加上;结合
        If you say that one thing produces a particular effect when it is coupled with another, you mean that the two things combine to produce that effect.


        e.g. ...a problem that is coupled with lower demand for the machines themselves...
        e.g. Overuse of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration...

    5. (把设备等)连接,结合
        If one piece of equipment is coupled to another, it is joined to it so that the two pieces of equipment work together.

        e.g. Its engine is coupled to a semiautomatic gearbox...
        e.g. The various systems are coupled together in complex arrays.

    The technique requires the coupling of a particle accelerator and a mass spectrometer.

    6. see also: coupling

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