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  • coke

    英:[kəʊk] 美: [koʊk] 

    coke 基本解释



    coke 情景对话


    B:Ugh. Another advertisement. They’ve added two hours of advertisements to a two hours movie.


    A:Yeah. We’re never going to get to the end of this one.

    B:Why are we watching it anyway?

    A:Well, it does have a lot of girls in it.

    B:True. True.

    A:Do you think Bruce Willis just drank a Coke for his health?

    B:Really? Did Coke pay him for that?

    A:Of course.

    B:You want something to drink?

    A:Yeah, Got a Coke?


    A:Hurry, the movie is coming back on.

    Car Crash-(车祸)

    A:That looks like a bad accident.

    B:Yeah, should we get out and help?


    A:No, there’s a police car behind us. He’ll stop.


    B:Looks like the one guy lost control in all this rain, and the other one hit him.


    A:Yeah. It’s pretty bad, that car looks like a coke can.

    B:These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.

    A:Yeah, it looks like we’re in for a long drive.

    B:Ah, well. Put on the news. I got up late and missed it.

    A:All right.

    coke 网络释义

    1. 焦炭:主要产品: 海绵钛(T_HMt)焦炭(Coke)煤焦油(MJY)工业萘(NAI)蒽油酚油洗油硫酸铵(EFX)...主要产品: 生铁(SST)生铁(TST)钒渣(T_FZ)...主要产品: 焦炭(Coke)煤焦油(MJY)钢材(TGC)钒矿(T_Fk)铁合金(TQT)铁矿石(SST)...主要产品:

    2. coke

    2. 可乐:可口可乐(可乐)(COKE)一名女职员涉嫌偷取可乐新产品的秘方及样品,转售予竞敌百事可乐(百事)(PEP),揭发被捕,6日上庭受审.

    3. coke是什么意思

    3. 可口可乐:可口可乐(COKE)光临球馆NBA中国赛媒体见面会:NBA总裁大卫-斯特恩 地点:君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt Hotel)保罗-弗尔曼和姚明在君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt Hotel)会面锐步在君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt Hotel)举办媒体见面会 姚明出席下午3:30-4:30 可口可乐(COKE)光临球馆

    4. 焦碳:生产过程将矽砂、焦碳(Coke)、煤(Coal)及木屑等原料混合置於一石墨电弧沈浸(Submerged)之加热还原炉中於1500~2000℃高温加热,将氧化矽还原成矽,此时矽之纯度约98%左右,此一冶金提炼之矽,即称为冶金级矽(Metallurgical-grade Si),

    coke 词典解释

    1. 焦炭;焦煤
        Coke is a solid black substance that is produced from coal and is burned as a fuel.


        e.g. ...a coke-burning stove.

    2. 同 cocaine
        Coke is the same as cocaine .

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