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  • copy

    英:[ˈkɒpi] 美: [ˈkɑ:pi] 

    copy 基本解释


    copy 相关例句


    1. Jean always copies the way I dress.

    2. copy的近义词

    2. I copied the letters into my book.

    3. He was punished for copying during the examination.


    1. Please send a copy of this letter to Mr Grey.

    2. I will send you a copy of the letter.

    copy 情景对话



    A:Would you copy these papers?

    B:This copy machine doesn’t work.

    A:I think it ran out of paper.



    A:Could you tell me where (his office/ the meeting room/ the copy machine) is, please?

    B:Sure. It’s just down the hall, on the right.

    Receipts and Warranties-(收据和质量保证)

    B:Can I help you, sir?

    A:Yes, what sort of warranty comes with this stereo?

    B:Well, our store offers a 90-Day return policy and the manufacturer offers a one-year warranty on any factory defects.

    A:What conditions are there on the store policy?

    B:We’ll give you your money back as long as the stereo is returned in the original packaging and with a receipt.

    A:O.K. How do I get the manufacturer’s warranty?

    B:Just send in the warranty card with a copy of your receipt.

    A:All right, those sound good. I’ll take it.

    B:Very well, I can ring you up over here, sir.

    copy 网络释义

    1. 复制文件:DOS命令行的基本语法结构,命令行参数的意义,DOS命令行的编辑方法;* 了解DOS的帮助命令;* 了解DOS系统中键盘控制键的使用方法;* 熟练掌握DOS的文件操作命令:列目录和文件清单(DIR),删除文件(DEL),复制文件(COPY),文件更名(REN),

    2. copy什么意思

    2. copy:cpy; 复制,拷贝,复写

    copy 词典解释

    1. 复制品;复印件
        If you make a copy of something, you produce something that looks like the original thing.

        e.g. The reporter apparently obtained a copy of Steve's resignation letter...
        e.g. Always keep a copy of everything in your own files.

    2. 复制;复印;仿造
        If you copy something, you produce something that looks like the original thing.


        e.g. She never participated in obtaining or copying any classified documents for anyone.
        e.g. ...lawsuits against companies who have unlawfully copied computer programs.

    3. 抄写;誊写
        If you copy a piece of writing, you write it again exactly.

        e.g. He would allow John slyly to copy his answers to impossibly difficult algebra questions...
        e.g. He copied the data into a notebook...

    4. 模仿;效法;仿效
        If you copy a person or what they do, you try to do what they do or try to be like them, usually because you admire them or what they have done.

        e.g. Children can be seen to copy the behaviour of others whom they admire or identify with...
        e.g. He can claim to have been defeated by opponents copying his own tactics.

    Children learn by copying.

    5. (书、报纸或CD的)一本,一册,一份
        A copy of a book, newspaper, or CD is one of many that are exactly the same.

        e.g. I bought a copy of 'USA Today' from a street-corner machine...
        e.g. You can obtain a copy for $2 from New York Central Art Supply.

    6. (准备刊印或广播的)原稿,稿件
        In journalism, copy is written material that is ready to be printed or read in a broadcast.

        e.g. ...his ability to write the most lyrical copy in the history of sports television.
        e.g. ...advertising copy.

    7. 有报道价值的消息;新闻素材
        In journalism, copy is news or information that can be used in an article in a newspaper.


        e.g. ...journalists looking for good copy.

    8. see also: back copy;carbon copy;hard copy

    相关词组:copy downcopy out

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